August 15, 2023
Check out Walton High's volleyball Spirit Store, which includes a ton of cool Walton Braves gear (shirts, sweatshirts, hats, bags, cups) that can even be customized. Thank you in ...

August 12, 2023
In order to provide a safe environment for everyone attending Walton High School's football games, we're asking that all individuals adhere to the following procedures for admissi...

August 12, 2023
There will be another tryout for golf on Monday, August 14 , immediately after school dismissal at Eagle Springs Golf Course. Students must present proof of a current physical t...

August 1, 2023
To help us communicate with you this year, please join our school-wide Remind - @walton2324 .

August 1, 2023
Walton High School will host an ELL Parent Night in the Library on Monday, August 7, at 6:00 p.m. Our special guest will be Cathy Hall (WCSD's ELL Director). WHS administratio...

July 29, 2023
Walton High School will host orientation/open house sessions on Tuesday, August 8. Ninth grade & new students should attend from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. Returning students in grade...

July 29, 2023
Below is this year's WHS supply list, which outlines the items students will need on the first day of school ( August 10 ). Please note that Brave Book student planners may be pur...

July 26, 2023
We hope you have had an incredible summer and are ready to get back to an EPIC 2023-2024 school year! The first day of school for students is Thursday, August 10th!

July 19, 2023
๐ช๐๐ฆ๐ ๐๐ผ๐ฒ๐ ๐๐ ๐๐ด๐ฎ๐ถ๐ป! The Walton County School District ranks #3 in the State of Florida AGAIN for the 22-23 school year according to the FLDOE state testing results, closing th...

July 19, 2023
Each year, a few weeks prior to the start of school, the WCSD leadership experiences and intensive Admin Institute, that deals with topics ranging from new legislation to innovati...