Dress Code
Learning about dress and grooming within the bounds of propriety, decency, and social acceptability is a part of each student's education. Any time school personnel feel a student's dress or appearance infringes on a student's progress at school or is serving as a distraction to others, necessary steps will be taken to remedy the situation. (Refer to the Code of Conduct for more detailed information.)
Appropriate Attire
Pants, jeans, long slacks, or capris (below the knee)
Shorts, skirts, and dresses that are at the knee
Crew-necked, polo, or button up shirts. All shirts must have sleeves and cover the midriff. When layered shirts are worn, the first layer must meet the approved shirt definition.
All visible garments, including layered garments, must be in accordance with the dress code.
Shoes must be worn at all times
Sunglasses, hats, and other sun-protective wear will be allowed to be worn outside only
Inappropriate Attire โ the following are NOT appropriate for the school environment and are NOT acceptable:
Any clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment
Garments containing holes that expose skin above the knees
Pants that drop below the waist
Leggings, spandex, or tights are not permitted unless worn under an outer garment that complies with dress code requirements, and is at the knee
Shirts that expose cleavage or midriff
V-neck, zipper-front, or sleeveless shirts
Bedroom shoes or shoes with wheels or cleats
Hats worn inside the school building
Items that worn together are indicative of gang membership
Garments containing messages that are obscene, racist, or promotes illegal activities, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products
Pajamas (pants or tops)
Violation of Dress Code
To avoid loss of instructional time, students will not be allowed to call parents/guardians to acquire a change of clothing. Students who violate the dress code will be sent to the clinic to change into school provided clothing and be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
First Offense: change of clothing, parent called by administration
Second Offense: change of clothing and 2 days ASD (after-school detention)
Third Offense: change of clothing and 3 days of ISS (in-school-suspension)
Fourth Offense: change of clothing and 5 days ISS (in-school-suspension)
Fifth Offense: 5 days OSS (out-of-school suspension) or recommendation for alternate placement to the Superintendent of Schools
Students who refuse to change clothing will be immediately assigned 2-3 days in ISS.
Florida Statute 1006.7(1) sets aside specific policy that prohibits a student, while on the grounds of a public school during the regular school day, from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment. (example: sagging pants) Any student who violates this policy is subject to the following disciplinary procedures:
First Offense: verbal warning, parent called by administration
Second Offense: student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a period not to exceed five (5) days, parent is notified
Third Offense: student shall receive ISS for a period not to exceed three (3) days, and is ineligible for participation in extracurricular activities not to exceed 30 days, a written letter of explanation will be sent to the parent.
Bags and Cases
Book bags, satchels, carrying cases, and similar items are allowed in our classrooms.