job shadow

Rescheduled activities:
- The senior SAT non-college reportable test has been rescheduled to October 8 at 8:15 a.m. This test is for seniors that haven't met graduation testing requirements.

- Senior Job Shadowing and the 9th grade's NWFSC visit have been rescheduled to October 30 due to first quarter exams on October 9. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Senior Job Shadowing Info:
Any senior that is on track and has met the algebra I EOC and FAST ELA test graduation requirements has the opportunity to shadow a person of their choice for Career/Job Shadow Day on October 30.

Job shadowing gives our students the opportunity to network and learn from individuals in their field of interest and determine whether a career path is right for them. Seniors that are interested in participating but need help connecting with an employer/business to shadow should contact Ms. Resch ( / room 117). Seniors that participate should take a signed & dated note from the person they shadowed to the SSA office, so absences may be marked as excused.

9th Grade NWFSC Visit:
We're excited to announce that this year we'll be offering a campus visit to Northwest Florida State College's Niceville Campus on October 30.

This is a great opportunity for students. Educational travel adds further context and substance to classroom material and reinforces concepts learned throughout the school year. The goal of this trip will be to provide exposure to the levels of educational possibilities offered by NWFSC, including dual enrollment, two- and four-year degrees, and various technical degrees.

The agenda for the day is to leave WHS at 8:15 a.m. We'll arrive at NWFSC at 9:00 a.m. Students will tour the campus and athletic facilities; hear from NWFSC student ambassadors; and talk with NWFC admission representatives. Students will have the option to bring a lunch or eat a school-provided sack lunch. At 12:15 p.m., students will depart NWFSC and head back to Walton High School to attend the last two periods of the school day.

Field trip permission/lunch forms were given out in BRAG on September 17. Extra forms are available in SSA. The form may also be downloaded at Forms should be turned in to students' BRAG/homeroom teachers OR the SSA office. Students that do not return their forms will remain in school.